Importance of setting up an employee retirement fund

As per Republic Act No. 7641, Employers are required to pay retirement benefits to their employees,  in the private sector, regardless of their position, designation or status and irrespective of the method by which their wages are paid, except to those listed under the exemptions. "... an employee upon reaching the age of sixty (60) years or more, but not beyond sixty-five (65) years which is hereby declared the compulsory retirement age, who has served at least five (5) years in the said establishment, may retire and shall...

by Mel · 0

Do you know about your Retirement Benefit?

Article 287 of the Labor Code, as amended by Republic Act No. 7641, provides: Retirement Plan. Credits: s_falkow "Article 287. Retirement. – Any employee may be retired upon reaching the retirement age established in the collective bargaining agreement or other applicable employment contract.In case of retirement, the employee shall...

by Mel · 0

A Life in a Day by Sun Life

Sharing another beautiful film by Sun Life. In less than 9 minutes, "A Life in a Day" captures the cycle of life - from childhood to old age. It also captures the precious moments of life through the eyes of a young boy. Even though the film is short, the story hits directly to the heart. And in less than 9 minutes, it made me reminisce on my childhood days, my school days, my wedding day, the day I gave birth to my son and...

by Mel · 0

3 Secrets to Building Passive Income

One day, I came to a realization that there are only 3 secrets to building passive income: Time: Save as early as you can Money: Save as much and as regular as you can Interest rate: Find better than inflation interest rate The main reason that we want to start saving early is because of compound interest. Assuming that we use the...

by Mel · 0

Getting Your Financial House in Order

Sometimes, I had the chance to do a financial wellness presentation to companies. Before the presentation, we would have a simple workshop and in most cases, the participants would share their own financial knowledge and experience on how to set aside funds for their future as well as list their issues on not being able to save. Savings....

by Mel · 1

How do you take care of your family's future?

"1945" is an amazing short documentary by Sun Life of Canada (Philippines), Inc. I was touched with the short film's ending message. "In 1945, Sun Life personnel traced and searched for the beneficiaries of those who perished in the war. A time of chaos became a time of honoring commitments and making lives brighter under the Sun." This is truly customer satisfaction and relationship service! From past to present, life...

by Mel · 0

Interesting insight

Google has provided us a lot of powerful online tools and one of these tools help us "compare search volume patterns across specific regions, categories, time frames and properties." Today, I wanted to understand what are the most common search keywords done in the Philippines in the last 12 months and with just a few clicks on Google Insight;...

by Mel · 0

Financial Pyramid: In which level are you today?

Maslow's Pyramid of Needs. Credits: Wkipedia   Maslow's hierarchy of needs interprets human's basic needs as the foundation of the pyramid and gradually elevates to the levels that human motivations generally move through -- safety, love/belonging, esteem and self actualization. "For the most part, physiological needs are obvious...

by Mel · 0